Sound System Installations Leeds

Sound System Installations Leeds – Another sound system installation completed this time on Boar Lane in Leeds at the new Bankers Cat bar with the installation of 8 Apart Audio Kubo 5 wall mounted speakers in black installed around the bar area and 3 Apart Audio 165 active bass speakers that are hidden under the seating in various location throughout the bar area.

By installing small bass speakers this has given them as fuller sound as the Apart Audio Kubo 5 speakers cannot handle lower bass frequencies just on their own, so by adding small bass speakers throughout the bar this has achieved the desired sound quality for the client.

The main bar sound system is controlled from an Apart Audio Zone4R remote control panel which is installed in the backwash area so that they they can easily alter the level throughout the bar area, so that each area is zoned so that they can have different volume levels in each area.

Downstairs in the snug area we have installed another four Apart Audio Kubo 5 black wall mounted speakers mounted to the ornate woodwork along with another Apart Audio Sub 165 active bass speaker hidden under the fixed seating in the corner and within the toilet area downstairs we have also installed a couple of Apart Audio 8″ ceiling speakers mounted within the ceiling.

sound system installations leeds

Speaker System Installs Leeds

Within the wall mounted sound equipment cabinet in the office we have installed 3 Apart Audio 2 channel stereo Revamp amplifiers, TOA mixer amplifier just for the toilet speakers and an Apart Audio Zone 4 mixer which is connected to their computer for their music playlists.